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Wow what can I say time goes by so fast!! 

My time here in the Philippines is quickly coming to an end, and before I know it I will be headed of to Africa. However The Philippines will always be in my heart. 

So at the end of December the 5 guys on my team including myself flew from Manila down to an island for manistry. It has been a good last month. We have bonded as guys and got reenergized which was a very much needed thing. We did some sweet guys things. We went to this amazing cave, there was like a river underground and we went in and had to swim and it was intense but it was so fun! We have been doing alot of manual labour here which is alright with me. We have also been doing alot of sports ministry. One of the coolest things is doing house visit in the jungle near us. A couple times ago Nash, Colten, and myself went and while we were at one of the houses we brought a lady to Christ which was a very cool thing and my prayer is that she keeps continuing to want to know more and go to church. That has happened a few times now which is very cool. 

At the place where we are staying a world race team came and joined us. That had its advatages and disadvantages. But one of the coolest thing is that the team that came Ben happened to be their leader and he came down. He came down a couple days ago and leaves next Thursday. I am so glad that I was able to see him before leaving for Africa because Africa is going to be intense and something that me and my squad have yet to experience and it was good for me to just hang out and get reenergized in the spirt as I get ready to go and finish strong. I am so thankful that this worked out! 

One of the biggest things I feel God putting on my heart over the past few months and even now is just one simple 3 letter word ACT. It is time for us as a church body and as the body of Christ to start Acting. Going through the motions should no longer be what we do. I have yet to feel God  calling me back to one of these countries but one of the things I do feel called to is minister in my own country. Ya Canada has things together but there are people who need God. Our country is failing and needs Jesus just as mush as these people do. I go to people's homes over here to visit and they have nothing and yet are so happy and are just in love with God, and I tend to think to myself how many people at home have everything and yet still want more, and still just put God on the back burner. And honestly the anwser is simple. Look around as we walk down the street, are at work, etc. we don't need to go anywhere, just be Jesus where we are planted at the moment. Wherever that may be. Yes that may be hard and may be scary but we don't do things alone we have each other and we have God! 

Well thank you so much for reading! I miss all you guys and I ask you continue to pray for me and my squad as we get ready to go to Africa! 

With much love 

Riley Heath

3 responses to “Out With The Old, In With The New”

  1. Thanks for the update Riley. I keep up with where you are and what you are doing through your mom too. Praying for you as you transition yet again to a new country and culture. Blessings as you continue to walk in faith!

  2. Riley you nailed it man! Just be Jesus wherever…simple and so true. Getting pumped for Africa.